- Spiritual Practice
Mincha Ma’ariv Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, March 22, 2025
- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Our Mincha Ma’ariv service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Addie Ben – Arieh and Aliyah Navisky.
Registration: This event is available in person and via live stream. Registration is not required. Click here to join the live stream at the event start time.
About Addie
Hi Wonderful TBE Community!
I am Adelaide Ben-Arieh, an ocean-loving, dog-adoring, outdoorsy, theater kid. I love everything about the theater: performing, preparing, creating scenes, creating sets, the supportive and silly micro-communities we form, and the art of it all. Most of all, I love that moment before you go on stage, with all of that anticipation—it feels like even the audience is holding its breath. I live in Natick, MA with my amazing dog Nina, my mom (Amy) & dad (Idan), and my fabulous younger sibling Emma who makes my life so much more sparkly. Over the winter, me and my family usually take a vacation to Florida. There we see my wonderful cousins, my aunt Hila and Uncle Mike, and my grandparents, Saba and Savta. I love to take long walks on the beach with Saba and Savta and then go back to their condo to hang out at the pool and talk with them about the books I’m reading. Every summer, me and my family go to visit my other grandparents in Ogunquit, Nana and Zadie. There is a beautiful beach there, and we spend endless days just enjoying the water. They take me to a historical reenactors summer camp at Strawbery Banke, where last summer I got to play a young Jewish girl living during WW I, named Mollie Shapiro. It was especially cool because I had family that went to the Portsmouth Temple with the real Mollie. The rest of my summer is spent with my summer sisters at Camp Pembroke. I am a 7th grader at Wilson Middle School. Math is my favorite subject. Becoming a bat mitzvah feels like an important right of passage, to be recognized as a full member of my community. It’s an opportunity to think about the kind of person I am and the kind of person I want to be.